Monday, November 9, 2020

Warhawk [C64] music on TI-82 Calculator - HoustonTracker 2


This one is in via @tubesockor

"This is a TI-82 remake of the Commodore 64 soundtrack for the game Warhawk, originally composed by Rob Hubbard in 1986. It is programmed down to the deepest details on a Texas Instruments TI-82 graphing calculator using “HoustonTracker 2”.
I start with a tech dive into how sound is generated on Commodore 64 and the TI calculator (which doesn’t have a sound chip) as well as 1-bit music in general. Then the song appears, including a custom-written visualiser that I made.

0:00 Welcome
0:20 Commodore 64 & SID
0:58 Texas Instruments TI-82
1:27 1-bit audio on TI-82
2:04 Pulse Interleaving
2:57 HoustonTracker 2 overview
3:47 Warhawk background
4:08 HoustonTracker 2 startup on TI-82
5:58 Warhawk performed on TI-82


Warhawk on C64 by Rob Hubbard:

C64 Rob Hubbards "Warhawk" Oscilloscope View

Unknown Planet by John Keating:

John Keating - The Unknown Planet - Space Experience - Studio 2 Stereo

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